About the D'Aguilar Range

About the D'Aguilar Range in Queensland


If you're in Brisbane, the D'Aguilar Range is a must-do hike. This lush forested area offers beautiful views and some challenging trails for bushwalkers. A good way to see the D'Aguilar Range is to start at Mount Nebo Lookout which has sweeping views of Brisbane City and Moreton Bay. From this lookout point, hikers can choose from a number of trails including The Old Coach Road Walk (5km), Mount Glorious National Park (10km) or Mt Mee National Park (12km).

The D'Aguilar Range is located in northern Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

The D'Aguilar Range is located in northern Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. It is approximately 40 km long and 24 km wide and extends from the west of Brisbane City to the Pine Rivers Shire Council area. The range rises from sea level to over 1,000 metres above sea level at Mount Glorious which is located on its western edge.

It's made up of a number of peaks which include Mount Mee, Mount Glorious and Mount Nebo.

The D'Aguilar Range is one of the oldest uplifted landscapes in Australia, dating back more than 200 million years to when Queensland was still part of Gondwana (an ancient supercontinent).

The range extends from the west of Brisbane City to the Pine Rivers Shire Council area.

The D'Aguilar Range is located in northern Brisbane and extends from the west of Brisbane City to the Pine Rivers Shire Council area. It is approximately 40 km long and 24 km wide, with Mount Nebo being its highest peak at 1,155 metres above sea level.

The range was formed millions of years ago by tectonic forces along a line running north-south through central Queensland. This resulted in rocks being pushed up from deep below ground level causing folding and faulting that formed mountains of different shapes, sizes and heights depending on their location within the fold belt (a series of parallel folds).

It rises from sea level to over 1,000 metres above sea level at Mount Glorious.

Located in the upper catchment of the Brisbane River, it rises from sea level to over 1,000 metres above sea level at Mount Glorious. The range extends for approximately 40 kilometres northeast from Nundah Creek (in north-western Brisbane) to Mount Mee (north-west of Gympie). The highest point is Mount Nebo (1,212 m), which lies on its northern border with New South Wales.

The D'Aguilar Range was named after Arthur Wellesley Marquess D'Aguilar by Allan Cunningham in 1827 who explored the area with Ludwig Leichhardt during his second expedition into north Queensland.

This lush forested area offers beautiful views and some challenging trails for bushwalkers.

The D'Aguilar Range is a mountain range in South East Queensland that runs from Brisbane north to the Gold Coast. It's very popular with bushwalkers and offers some challenging trails for those who want to push themselves further than just an easy walk in the park.

The area has many beautiful views of rolling green hills, as well as plenty of opportunities for photography thanks to its unique flora and fauna. The D'Aguilar National Park is home to rainforests filled with tall trees, vines and other plants that thrive under their own canopy of leaves--and it can be hard work getting through those! But this lush forested area offers beautiful views and some challenging trails for bushwalkers who want something different from their regular strolls around town or along beaches at sunset time


The D'Aguilar Range is a great place to visit if you're looking for some peace and quiet. The wide range of trails offer something for everyone, from short walks through lush forest to long hikes that can take all day.

Maz 19 August, 2023
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Beautiful Mount Nebo