Our tours are not weather dependant. 

Even though it's not a demanding walk and the trees provide plenty of shade, always best to wear good walking shoes and a hat. Water plus allergy considered snacks will be provided, but please bring your own water bottle.

Sometimes it can rain up the mountain, so rain coats are provided if required, still best to wear clothes that suit the weather.

There will be so many photo opportunities, bring that phone or camera charged as the forest isn't powered by electricity, just natural good vibes;)

Please wear casual clothes and comfortable walking shoes. Please bring a light jacket in cooler months, a bottle of water is always recommended and don’t forget your camera!.

There are a number of locations along the National Park track that have stairs. It is not suitable for either wheelchairs or strollers. Keeping in line with Queensland State laws is is not possible to take wheelchairs or strollers on any of our tours.

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